The March Fox Valley Antique Show is now over and I must say it was GREAT! The show was visually a feast for the eyes, with a treasure waiting for everyone. The participating dealers are all top notch professionals who tirelessly decorate their booths and always produce stunning results. The five-minute presentations were well attended as was the lecture on "Collecting Lincoln." Such fun! As always it was a delight to see my customers who have turned into such good friends over the years.
Sharing the love of antiques and history has given me the opportunity and privledge to meet some really great people. And then there is Pat, my dear friend from Michigan, who drove in on Friday to specifically help me set up my booth. She has done this for years out of the goodness of her heart. I could never begin to repay her kindness.

Also this show I had the help of another friend, Susan, who drove all Thursday night from Virginia to make sure she was with me on Friday for setup. How wonderfully crazy is that? Thank you, Thank you and Thank you again! I am truly blessed to have both Pat and Susan in my life. If you were one of the many people who came to the show I say thank you and please come again. If you were unable to attend I hope to see you at the next Fox Valley Show in October. Please come by my booth, introduce yourself, say "hi" and join my circle of friends.